First words...
365 days had passed, 366 days on the way (2008 is a leap year... Happy Birthday for those who are born on Feb. 29!!!).
I'm sure some of us are still groggy and sleepy due to the revelry last night... although it was noted that the firecracker tilt reduced gradually. Financial Problem perhaps, or due to the lesson learned by some: Don't play with Firecrackers; they are dangerous. Others because of the reunions, others simply because wala lang.
Many of us (including me) had been involved in creating the most popular list ever created... the list containing our New Year's Resolutions. For others, a few are accomplished as they go on through the year, but others simply create without the intention of doing it. There's no problem with doing this "most prized" list. But let me ask you... Do you include in your list the intention to be a better christian? To be a witness of Christ in today's world? I hope you do.
For some, New year passed as another ordinary day. Why so? because they lost all hope. They keep asking... "Why was my life so broken? I don't have any reason anymore to celebrate..." Well, we can't blame them, but as for us, did we tried our best to help them, and to give them the hope they needed to go on? Let's pray for them that they may see the hope they wanted with the company of family, friends and most of all, God.
This day, we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. The Church gave us the example of a Mother, who selflessly gave her life for the salvation of the whole race. From her Fiat, to the Pieta, to the Assumption and Coronation, we saw how this woman followed the footsteps of her son. This day, This Church also reminds us that behind our biological mothers there is also a mother there in heaven guiding all of us. With that, I invite all to continuously recourse to our Mother, after all, she cares for us, she will never let us down.
It was a very colorful year for all of us, especially for me. (Cheers to that!!!) The world saw how we walked through the way of life, fell, and stood up and continued walking. Now, another year is ahead of us. Let us never forget that we never walk alone in this path of life. We have a lot of company, be they good or bad. Above all, there is the Triune God. There is the Virgin Mary. Look, brothers!!! We are never alone. So why look on another negative year? Look on the positive year!!! We will see the Goodness of God in our lives. And we can say... "Lord, you are so good to me!!! How good!!! How sweet!!!"
As we wake up to a brand new day, a brand new year, we see a brand new future ahead of us; as we see the sun rise on the road of our lives, we have this spirit of hope that there will be a new something waiting out there. Just wait. It's not yet the end of the rainbow... It's just the start.
Live a Life!!! Offer a Life!!! Share!!! Love!!! Be not afraid...
Fix your eyes on Jesus!!! (My Mission Statement for 2008)
Navotas City; January 01, 2008
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