...Post No. 7...Oct. 20, 2010...
"Many people mistake our work for our vocation.
Our vocation is the Love of Jesus."
-Blessed Teresa Of Calcutta
In This Issue:
~SemBreak Naaaahhh!!!!!!
~2 Months, 20 Years, What's New?
"Many people mistake our work for our vocation.
Our vocation is the Love of Jesus."
-Blessed Teresa Of Calcutta
In This Issue:
~SemBreak Naaaahhh!!!!!!
~2 Months, 20 Years, What's New?
Yes! After five months of hard work and studies, here comes the end of the first half of the Academic Year 2010-2011. Fourth year studies is somewhat tiring, because of the tasks that are given to you to work on double-time at a certain deadline. In one way or another, it gives us a sigh of relief that the Break is here, since we could have some time to slumber for a while, to prepare for the second half of the fight. In other words, we really need rest. Haaaisssttt!!!!
But for me, as I say on my last posts, this SemBreak is a sentimental one, one which is related to the word Goodbye. After the break, I shall continue my studies on a lower level, and with a new set of classmates. The thought makes me excited, and frightened.
Excited, because this is a new exposure for me. I would get to know more people beyond my Circle. I would get to know their potentials, and share what I have with them. Good thought on one hand.
Frightened, though, because I fear that I might fail once again. I know that this was the same set of subjects that I neglected on purpose last year. It serves as a lesson for me that while I still have the opportunity, I should NEVER miss my studies.
Nevertheless, I know that God will guide me this time around. I know that he'd let me fall before for me to discover something. I've discovered it indeed, my own weaknesses. I forgot Him though I serve him constantly in the parish. I've come to discover that that is not enough. There is no balance. That was a big slap for me, and from that downfall I've come to know my lesson.
The past semester was spent as a "standing-up" phase for me, for me to try if I can really continue to make it. Thanks God, I made it through the first five months. Now, with his help, and with the prayers of the people around me, I know that I can make again through the second semester.
At the end, I entrust my all to God. I know he guided me throughout the past sem, and I know that He will continue to guide me on the next one, the "TRIAL SEM..."
Modernity, alright. That may be the reason why the people of God is suffering constant secularization of beliefs, we tend to believe in wrong circumstances, and we are led astray from the real thing, that real reason why we consider ourselves as Catholics - as Christians. That real thing is God; that real thing is God's love for everyone of us; that real thing is the call for holiness.
We look at the word VOCARE.
In latin, the word means You are called. We are all called. Called to what? We are called to live in union with God. We are called, each and everyone of us, to live the life of God. We are called to be holy, to be perfect like Our Heavenly Father. Sounds odd, too. These days, people live for themselves, we live in pride, we make our wildest fantasies a reality. We have forgotten this call from God... Too sad to think.
But wait! There is still hope for us. We can explore our Vocation. We need to vocaRE!
Yes! God still speaks to us through the secularization of today's world. He still whispers through the hearts and ears of the faithful. He utilizes every situation, every circumstance, every talent and even our problems for us to discover that there is this certain call to Holiness.
You need to open our eyes and look at the bigger picture. Somewhere in that vast canvas of your life, God is calling you to follow Him, to serve Him, and to be holy. If you discern more, this call strengthens, and you discover that certain path which God wants you to take, as your own way of living His Call.
And once we come to the discovery of that path, we are called to voCARE.
As God calls us, we are to respond. All God needs is a profound YES! and off we go! We take care of this call, seeing to it that we never fall astray from that path which God has led us. That path is one full jive of hardships and obstacles, as well as joys and triumphs. We are to follow Christ as we carry the Cross towards our own Glory with Him.
And with that, we see that bigger picture, not with our eyes anymore, but with God's eyes. We discover the needs of others. We open up our hearts and serve them. Maybe by that time, we are already priests, brothers, sisters, or married couples, or single blesseds. Whatever our path may be, we know that we have taken in one way or another the path to Holiness. We see that there is no difference at all when it comes to the happiness that we receive on following God.
I can give this acronym to help those in discernment: LOVE.
Look out. We ask ourselves: Where does God lead me? Where am I right now? We can start with those questions. We are to be sensitive on our surroundings, what are our common ground as of the moment. From that point, we can hear a certain whisper, a voice which would tell us what to do(don't take it literally, ah!?!). For certain, that voice is God.
Open up. Open up ourselves to God. We lift up ourselves to him and surrender our lives. We may say these or other words which might come from our hearts:
God, my Father, I entrust my life to you, all my weaknesses and talents.
Jesus, my Brother, inflame my heart with the fire of selfless service to others.
Spirit of Love, guide me on which path of Holiness I should take, and strengthen me with your Holy wisdom.
Mary, my Mother, be my inspiration.
Saints of God, pray for me.
Visit ourselves. We visit our lives and see what we can do for this call. We try to mend our bad ways, and change it with good ones. This is the point where we seek spiritual direction. A priest, a nun, or a certain guy who has also responded to the Call may do the trick. You can also do some Search-ins with Religious orders, retreats, or the like. Nevertheless, this is a time of a great change in your life.
Education and Formation. Here comes the formal studying status of the Path. Maybe by this time, you are already in the Seminary or at the Convent, studying the certain subjects, exposing yourself to pastoral work and service, and being formed to be a Minister of Christ and his Church. When in a married state, this may be the time that you are rearing children, teaching them the basics of the faith, as well as ABCs and 123s. Whatever state of life we may choose, this is the time where you are formed to walk in the Path which God has led you, and you chose to walk in.
Together, we pray for more Vocations in the Church. We pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send more good workers to his Harvest, that we may continue to live and work to Holiness.
But for me, as I say on my last posts, this SemBreak is a sentimental one, one which is related to the word Goodbye. After the break, I shall continue my studies on a lower level, and with a new set of classmates. The thought makes me excited, and frightened.
Excited, because this is a new exposure for me. I would get to know more people beyond my Circle. I would get to know their potentials, and share what I have with them. Good thought on one hand.
Frightened, though, because I fear that I might fail once again. I know that this was the same set of subjects that I neglected on purpose last year. It serves as a lesson for me that while I still have the opportunity, I should NEVER miss my studies.
Nevertheless, I know that God will guide me this time around. I know that he'd let me fall before for me to discover something. I've discovered it indeed, my own weaknesses. I forgot Him though I serve him constantly in the parish. I've come to discover that that is not enough. There is no balance. That was a big slap for me, and from that downfall I've come to know my lesson.
The past semester was spent as a "standing-up" phase for me, for me to try if I can really continue to make it. Thanks God, I made it through the first five months. Now, with his help, and with the prayers of the people around me, I know that I can make again through the second semester.
At the end, I entrust my all to God. I know he guided me throughout the past sem, and I know that He will continue to guide me on the next one, the "TRIAL SEM..."
Still, in relation to the Second Vocation Week of the Online Ministry
100% Katolikong Pinoy
VOCARE = You are called!VOCARE, vocaRE, voCARE
Still, in relation to the Second Vocation Week of the Online Ministry
100% Katolikong Pinoy
VOCA-RE = VOcation REalization, Explore and Discern!
VO-CARE = VOcation CARE, Foster and Pray!
These set of words inspired me to type a sub-post for Vocations. Not to have my share of the heat, but the spirit within me is shouting out that I need to show the world my view when we speak of Vocations. It may sound odd to speak of vocation these days, because of the modernity of the world.Modernity, alright. That may be the reason why the people of God is suffering constant secularization of beliefs, we tend to believe in wrong circumstances, and we are led astray from the real thing, that real reason why we consider ourselves as Catholics - as Christians. That real thing is God; that real thing is God's love for everyone of us; that real thing is the call for holiness.
We look at the word VOCARE.
In latin, the word means You are called. We are all called. Called to what? We are called to live in union with God. We are called, each and everyone of us, to live the life of God. We are called to be holy, to be perfect like Our Heavenly Father. Sounds odd, too. These days, people live for themselves, we live in pride, we make our wildest fantasies a reality. We have forgotten this call from God... Too sad to think.
But wait! There is still hope for us. We can explore our Vocation. We need to vocaRE!
Yes! God still speaks to us through the secularization of today's world. He still whispers through the hearts and ears of the faithful. He utilizes every situation, every circumstance, every talent and even our problems for us to discover that there is this certain call to Holiness.
You need to open our eyes and look at the bigger picture. Somewhere in that vast canvas of your life, God is calling you to follow Him, to serve Him, and to be holy. If you discern more, this call strengthens, and you discover that certain path which God wants you to take, as your own way of living His Call.
And once we come to the discovery of that path, we are called to voCARE.
As God calls us, we are to respond. All God needs is a profound YES! and off we go! We take care of this call, seeing to it that we never fall astray from that path which God has led us. That path is one full jive of hardships and obstacles, as well as joys and triumphs. We are to follow Christ as we carry the Cross towards our own Glory with Him.
And with that, we see that bigger picture, not with our eyes anymore, but with God's eyes. We discover the needs of others. We open up our hearts and serve them. Maybe by that time, we are already priests, brothers, sisters, or married couples, or single blesseds. Whatever our path may be, we know that we have taken in one way or another the path to Holiness. We see that there is no difference at all when it comes to the happiness that we receive on following God.
I can give this acronym to help those in discernment: LOVE.
Look out. We ask ourselves: Where does God lead me? Where am I right now? We can start with those questions. We are to be sensitive on our surroundings, what are our common ground as of the moment. From that point, we can hear a certain whisper, a voice which would tell us what to do(don't take it literally, ah!?!). For certain, that voice is God.
Open up. Open up ourselves to God. We lift up ourselves to him and surrender our lives. We may say these or other words which might come from our hearts:
God, my Father, I entrust my life to you, all my weaknesses and talents.
Jesus, my Brother, inflame my heart with the fire of selfless service to others.
Spirit of Love, guide me on which path of Holiness I should take, and strengthen me with your Holy wisdom.
Mary, my Mother, be my inspiration.
Saints of God, pray for me.
Visit ourselves. We visit our lives and see what we can do for this call. We try to mend our bad ways, and change it with good ones. This is the point where we seek spiritual direction. A priest, a nun, or a certain guy who has also responded to the Call may do the trick. You can also do some Search-ins with Religious orders, retreats, or the like. Nevertheless, this is a time of a great change in your life.
Education and Formation. Here comes the formal studying status of the Path. Maybe by this time, you are already in the Seminary or at the Convent, studying the certain subjects, exposing yourself to pastoral work and service, and being formed to be a Minister of Christ and his Church. When in a married state, this may be the time that you are rearing children, teaching them the basics of the faith, as well as ABCs and 123s. Whatever state of life we may choose, this is the time where you are formed to walk in the Path which God has led you, and you chose to walk in.
Together, we pray for more Vocations in the Church. We pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send more good workers to his Harvest, that we may continue to live and work to Holiness.
Send, O Lord, Holy Apostles into Your Church!
As of yesterday, I am already on my third month as a 20-year older. I continue to say, Napakahirap ang maging isang Bente Anyos!!!
Why? Simply because many things are expected of me. From that tiring work at Educ week, to simply looking after the store, to maintaining a blog. Everybody is expecting me to be a responsible man. I still have those qualities that I must have left in my teenage years. It's hard to leave them at a short span of time. I am getting through with some little by little, but there are still some of my qualities which I perceive would continue to stay with me for a long time.
I look at my past WedPosts, and I evaluate myself as I reflect on them, together with the unseen events of my life. I see clearly that I am still in dire need of guidance, and formation. Yeah, it's really hard to act as an adult in a world which does not consider you as one. And so, I consider myself still as a student thirsting for formation.
And so, at this certain point in my life when I consider so many choices, so many tasks, and many more opportunities and challenges to come, I pray...
Lord, guide me along this year of discoveries! I don't know what path should I take, and what to do. Continue to form me as your own. I cannot do anything without you. I am nothing, my God. May your will be done! AMEN.
Why? Simply because many things are expected of me. From that tiring work at Educ week, to simply looking after the store, to maintaining a blog. Everybody is expecting me to be a responsible man. I still have those qualities that I must have left in my teenage years. It's hard to leave them at a short span of time. I am getting through with some little by little, but there are still some of my qualities which I perceive would continue to stay with me for a long time.
I look at my past WedPosts, and I evaluate myself as I reflect on them, together with the unseen events of my life. I see clearly that I am still in dire need of guidance, and formation. Yeah, it's really hard to act as an adult in a world which does not consider you as one. And so, I consider myself still as a student thirsting for formation.
And so, at this certain point in my life when I consider so many choices, so many tasks, and many more opportunities and challenges to come, I pray...
Lord, guide me along this year of discoveries! I don't know what path should I take, and what to do. Continue to form me as your own. I cannot do anything without you. I am nothing, my God. May your will be done! AMEN.
Greetings and Announcements!!!
~ Kudos to all the Admins, and Members of the FB Fan Page of 100% KATOLIKONG PINOY! Happy Vocation Week! May God continue to bless us as we walk our way towards being proud and faithful Catholics... Catholic Filipinos!
~ Kudos to you, my dear reader! May God bless you and your plans in life. thank you for patronizing my blogposts here on JEM@ Blogger, One with You...
Greetings and Announcements!!!
~ Issuance of Class Cards at CMU for the First Semester: Oct. 21-22, 2010. Strictly No Permit and clearance, no Class Cards!
~ Calling the responsibles and lead cantors of the First three communities of the Neo Catechumenal Way in our Parish, our Regional Convivence will be held on Oct. 29-31, 2010, at St. Michael Retreat House, Antipolo City.
~ Reminder for the Raffle Project of Santa Cruz Parish: The Raffle date will be on Oct. 30, 2010, 2:00 PM at the Sto. Niño Chapel. Prizes which are not claimed after SIXTY days are considered forfeited, so make sure that your tickets are still intact.
~ Happy Birthday this week to:
~ Calling the responsibles and lead cantors of the First three communities of the Neo Catechumenal Way in our Parish, our Regional Convivence will be held on Oct. 29-31, 2010, at St. Michael Retreat House, Antipolo City.
~ Reminder for the Raffle Project of Santa Cruz Parish: The Raffle date will be on Oct. 30, 2010, 2:00 PM at the Sto. Niño Chapel. Prizes which are not claimed after SIXTY days are considered forfeited, so make sure that your tickets are still intact.
~ Happy Birthday this week to:
Oct. 21: Abraham Digan
Oct. 22: Maria Lourdes Bello, Ruben Gannaban, Juan Paulo Ardoña, and Maria Veronidia Elunio
Oct. 23: Lyndon Tongco
Oct. 25: Allan Panganiban (my big bro...), Reiner Singson
Oct. 26: Domingo "Kuya Boyet" Bendal (My Brood-in-law), James Roi dela Cruz
May God continue to bless you, your families, and all your dreams and aspirations in life!
(Birthday greetings go on Wedpost-to-Wedpost basis, meaning the scope of birthdays being cited here are from the day of posting thru next Tuesday, just before the new WedPost)
~ Kudos to all the Admins, and Members of the FB Fan Page of 100% KATOLIKONG PINOY! Happy Vocation Week! May God continue to bless us as we walk our way towards being proud and faithful Catholics... Catholic Filipinos!
~ Kudos to you, my dear reader! May God bless you and your plans in life. thank you for patronizing my blogposts here on JEM@ Blogger, One with You...
KuyaZeke,ccs_102010 :)
nice. :) God bless in everything that you will go through. I know you can do it. :D
ReplyDeletewow .. galing talaga PRIDE ka ng CMU ..
ReplyDeleteNice blog po, kuya. :)
ReplyDeleteKeep it up!
galing mu talaga!! idol!!! blessed ako nakilala kita..! hehehe
ReplyDeleteSalamat po sa mga positive feedback na nare-recieve ko. I truly appreciate your support and praises for all my blogposts. You are the reason why I continue to type blogposts of this type.
ReplyDeleteAnd so I pray...
My Jesus, make me humble despite the praises I see on my blog right now.
I am just your humble writing machine and nothing more. Continue to inspire others to walk in your path through this worthless blog of mine. All according to your Will! AMEN.