First things first... MERRY CHRISTMAS, PEOPLE!
Kie, let's move on with the series. We're now on the last week of 2010, and I reserved the best for the coming six days, so stay put as we continue looking back on the "curses" and "blessings" of 2010 for me.

In a very special manner, the Way had been there to support me on those times where I am near giving up. Totoo nga na God called me to walk in this way, and in it He sustains me with strength.
I remember last summer, when I was at the brink of giving up because of the great fall (that's my next post in the series), my community came to the rescue just in time, and in it began my recovery from a great wound in my personality.
I attended the Convivence of the Shema last May. "Shema" in Hebrew means "listen". I came there in a battered spirit, and I agree that there God created a very marvelous deed, for as I was listening to the catechesis, I felt that I was being healed all over. My joy is overflowing on that note.
And truly, God created a miracle after that convivence, because after that, I was still able to go back to school, when I thought of looking for another school in the summer.
This could be the reason why although the forces around me conflict with my walking in the way, God still leaves me a reason to continue walking, renouncing, and living in humility, simplicity, and praise.
That's the reason why after all that I've undergone in the past year, I can still leave it smiling. This is my gift to Jesus today... the gift of perseverance in each of the challenges that he gave me this year. Mission is not yet accomplished, but as long as I listen to His words, I know he'll never let me down.
Merry Christmas, guys!!!
BïTZëëlöG_122510 :)
(I will continue the rendition of Ur Sunday Dose later this day. It will focus now on the Feast of the Holy Family. I also have an announcement for Ur Sunday Dose and JEM@Blogger sometime in the last week of 2010. Watch out for it!)
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