Third Sunday of Advent
Is 35,1-6a.10 || Jas 5,7-10
Mt 11,2-11
Gaudéte in Dómino semper: íterum dico, gaudéte!
This, the introductory verse of the Third Sunday of Advent, is the same reason why this day has another name: Gaudéte Sunday. With just two weeks away from the celebration of the Lord's birth, we see the rising intensity of joy which we feel in our hearts. We prepare more for his Birthday, and we begin to sacrifice for something which we wish deeply in our hearts (I said this because Simbang Gabi is starting this week, on Thursday, Dec. 16). Truly, the magical flame gets hotter and hotter as the day of our Lord's birth draws near. Let us draw nearer to this flame of joy and excitement, and let the Lord consume us with love that only He can give us.
Okay. Let's move on.
At the turn of the 21st Century, we see different talent searches on the rise. They had raised some of the famous Filipino artists of our day. Their question always goes like this, Are you the next star? Are you the next famous sensation? This, among many others, are the questions that we hear from these TV shows. We feel such excitement when we watch them perform on stage, as we criticize who will be the next big thing on television. And when we come to know of the big winner of that talent search, we usually follow him through his shows, and support him in anyway possible.
That same thing happened to Jesus sometime 2000 years ago. He became a talk of the town because of the miracles he is doing to the people of Judea. Because of this, John the Baptist - another hitmaker of the time - sent his men to ask Jesus, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?”
Maybe John is in total doubt or something that the Christ has come. We should remember that at that time, Jews are still waiting for the coming of the Messiah, not knowing that he is already there in their midst. False prophets are also around by that time (makes no difference to what we know today. Lots of false witnesses and prophets scattered around the globe.) telling the people that they are the christ.
Little do they know that the real Christ is there, already doing wonders among the people.
Jesus answers, Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them. And blessed is the one who takes no offense at me.
Jesus did not tell that He is the one, instead, he told the disciples of John those words which resemble the maxim What you see is what you get. With these signs, the people may come to know that the Messiah has finally arrived, and is now living in their midst. He does not boast his mission of saving the Human Race, but rather shows-off through the graces which he bestows on the people.
While others wait for somebody coming in great power and might to save them from damnation, Jesus comes as a humble worker of the Father's vineyard, born of human estate, lived in poverty and simplicity. And through that, Jesus shows his saving work to the people.
Jesus tells the people which were with him, What did you go out to the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind? Then what did you go out to see? Someone dressed in fine clothing? Those who wear fine clothing are in royal palaces. Then why did you go out? To see a prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.
We may not admit it, but we are also looking forward to something powerful to "save" us from our trials. Oh yes. I may call you a hypocrite if you never experienced such even once in your life. When the going gets tough, we rely on money, on power, and on other things which may "bring" us happiness and contentment. But brothers! Life does not depend on every temporary thing of this world. These things may make us "the one" for some time, but not forever.
We light the Third candle of Advent, the candle of Joy. We should always remember this: true joy comes from Jesus Christ! He came for our salvation, as well as our joy and contentment. Though he is always disputed and disregarded by all, he is always there for us. He continues to guide us on every step of the way. And we prepare for his coming back in our midst to show us that at the end of the day, life does not depend on the temporary things of the world, but on Christ, and Christ alone.
Let us rejoice now, and always! Jesus is coming, and is here with us. Rejoice! Gaudéte!
Jesus, your coming in our midst impels us to rejoice and be glad. Now, more than ever, you dwell with us to show your glorious power and might among your people. You lead us to your presence, the sole source of our strength. You teach us not to rely on the riches of this world, but to you who came to fill our every need with God's grace.
Help us as we continue to prepare in expectation, that we may look forward to your coming as something which would bring us total joy and contentment. Teach us not to rely on ourselves, nor on the temporary gifts of this world. Fill us with your love, that we may truly appreciate the things which come from you, the real source of man's joy and happiness.
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus! Amen.
Mary, our Queen and Mother, pray for us!
Okay. Let's move on.

That same thing happened to Jesus sometime 2000 years ago. He became a talk of the town because of the miracles he is doing to the people of Judea. Because of this, John the Baptist - another hitmaker of the time - sent his men to ask Jesus, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?”
Maybe John is in total doubt or something that the Christ has come. We should remember that at that time, Jews are still waiting for the coming of the Messiah, not knowing that he is already there in their midst. False prophets are also around by that time (makes no difference to what we know today. Lots of false witnesses and prophets scattered around the globe.) telling the people that they are the christ.
Little do they know that the real Christ is there, already doing wonders among the people.
Jesus answers, Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them. And blessed is the one who takes no offense at me.
Jesus did not tell that He is the one, instead, he told the disciples of John those words which resemble the maxim What you see is what you get. With these signs, the people may come to know that the Messiah has finally arrived, and is now living in their midst. He does not boast his mission of saving the Human Race, but rather shows-off through the graces which he bestows on the people.
While others wait for somebody coming in great power and might to save them from damnation, Jesus comes as a humble worker of the Father's vineyard, born of human estate, lived in poverty and simplicity. And through that, Jesus shows his saving work to the people.
Jesus tells the people which were with him, What did you go out to the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind? Then what did you go out to see? Someone dressed in fine clothing? Those who wear fine clothing are in royal palaces. Then why did you go out? To see a prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.
We may not admit it, but we are also looking forward to something powerful to "save" us from our trials. Oh yes. I may call you a hypocrite if you never experienced such even once in your life. When the going gets tough, we rely on money, on power, and on other things which may "bring" us happiness and contentment. But brothers! Life does not depend on every temporary thing of this world. These things may make us "the one" for some time, but not forever.

Let us rejoice now, and always! Jesus is coming, and is here with us. Rejoice! Gaudéte!
Jesus, your coming in our midst impels us to rejoice and be glad. Now, more than ever, you dwell with us to show your glorious power and might among your people. You lead us to your presence, the sole source of our strength. You teach us not to rely on the riches of this world, but to you who came to fill our every need with God's grace.
Help us as we continue to prepare in expectation, that we may look forward to your coming as something which would bring us total joy and contentment. Teach us not to rely on ourselves, nor on the temporary gifts of this world. Fill us with your love, that we may truly appreciate the things which come from you, the real source of man's joy and happiness.
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus! Amen.
Mary, our Queen and Mother, pray for us!
BïTZëëlöG_121010 :)
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