32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
2Mc 7,1-2;9-14 || 2Thes 2,16-3,5
Lk 20, 27-38
HOPE for the Life to Come
In three weeks time, we will have the start of a brand new liturgical year. As we go forward to this occurrence, we see our passages talk about the life to come. Though there may be sufferings and persecution (first reading), the Lord continues to sustain us and give us the strength we need to continue life all for the love of God and His will. (second reading). All this until the ultimate end of our life on Earth, towards the eternal joys of heaven.
Actually, the first idea that came into my mind was to talk about marriage, since that is what the sadducees brought up to Jesus. According to them, Moses had written a law stating thus, If someone's brother dies leaving a wife but no child, his brother must take the wife and raise up descendants for his brother.
They asked Jesus this situation: Now there were seven brothers; the first married a woman but died childless. Then the second and the third married her, and likewise all the seven died childless. Finally the woman also died. Now at the resurrection whose wife will that woman be?For all seven had been married to her.
They may think that through the question, which is actually a boobie-trap, they may see a hole in Jesus' teachings, so that they may take him to the authorities and condemn him of faulty teaching.
But Jesus is leading us to another truth. The Gospel for today is not about marriage, which the sadducees want to pose on to us; rather, it is about the life to come, on how shall we cherish God's glory sometime soon.
We just finished celebrating the Solemnity of All the Saints, and the Day of our faithful departed. We have reflected well and good on the glory of the Saints in Heaven and the suffering of the souls in Purgatory. We prayed to the Saints for intercession, and likewise, we prayed for the souls for their eternal repose and peace.
We may ask ourselves, what would happen after we die? Sa langit kaya ako o sa impiyerno? It all depends on our way of life here in this world, if we follow Christ's words, then we are surely to enter Heaven, we are sure to be with God someday.
I think the words of Jesus is clear this week: "They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise." Yes! Those who followed God's will, even until death, will have a taste of what it is to be rewarded by God after their earthly sojourn. They suffered a lot in this world; surely, they will see the beatific vision with all the Army of Saints.
We always remember that due to sin and evil that we die in this world. But, in the eyes of God, there is no such thing as death. Everything - and all things - live in Him and for Him, that's why he is "not God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive."
Remember that what we do today will be counted tomorrow. We should always pray and work for the glory of God here on Earth. Yes, it is hard, it is full of persecutions. But as we say in Filipino, kung may itinanim, may aanihin. Don't be afraid to face every trial for God. We are sure that after ever obstacle, every hindrance, there will surely be a life of greater glory in Heaven.
HOPE for the Life to come! Don't be afraid to live, and pray for God's Kingdom in this world!

They asked Jesus this situation: Now there were seven brothers; the first married a woman but died childless. Then the second and the third married her, and likewise all the seven died childless. Finally the woman also died. Now at the resurrection whose wife will that woman be?For all seven had been married to her.
They may think that through the question, which is actually a boobie-trap, they may see a hole in Jesus' teachings, so that they may take him to the authorities and condemn him of faulty teaching.
But Jesus is leading us to another truth. The Gospel for today is not about marriage, which the sadducees want to pose on to us; rather, it is about the life to come, on how shall we cherish God's glory sometime soon.
We just finished celebrating the Solemnity of All the Saints, and the Day of our faithful departed. We have reflected well and good on the glory of the Saints in Heaven and the suffering of the souls in Purgatory. We prayed to the Saints for intercession, and likewise, we prayed for the souls for their eternal repose and peace.
We may ask ourselves, what would happen after we die? Sa langit kaya ako o sa impiyerno? It all depends on our way of life here in this world, if we follow Christ's words, then we are surely to enter Heaven, we are sure to be with God someday.
I think the words of Jesus is clear this week: "They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise." Yes! Those who followed God's will, even until death, will have a taste of what it is to be rewarded by God after their earthly sojourn. They suffered a lot in this world; surely, they will see the beatific vision with all the Army of Saints.
We always remember that due to sin and evil that we die in this world. But, in the eyes of God, there is no such thing as death. Everything - and all things - live in Him and for Him, that's why he is "not God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive."
Remember that what we do today will be counted tomorrow. We should always pray and work for the glory of God here on Earth. Yes, it is hard, it is full of persecutions. But as we say in Filipino, kung may itinanim, may aanihin. Don't be afraid to face every trial for God. We are sure that after ever obstacle, every hindrance, there will surely be a life of greater glory in Heaven.
HOPE for the Life to come! Don't be afraid to live, and pray for God's Kingdom in this world!
BïTZëëlöG_102710 :)
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