34th Sunday in Ordinary Time
2Sm 5,1-3 || Col 1,12-20
Lk 23,35-43
And so, here comes the end of the year.
All throughout the Church, we celebrate the last Sunday of Ordinary Time as the Solemnity of Christ the King. We observe this day through Solemn Eucharistic Celebrations, Vigils, and Solemn Processions of the image of Christ the King, and the Blessed Sacrament.
This day is full of awe and sacredness for its religious nature. Even for just a day, we acclaim Christ as the King and Center of the whole human race. While we spend 364 days of the year committing sin and evil acts, still we allot a day to celebrate Christ as the victor King of all who are saved by His blood.
Among the 3-cycle Gospels of this solemnity, the Gospel of the Year C (that is, this year) is the one which I like the most, because of its very humble ambiance. Though it is sorrowful in form, we can still see some light through it.
We go back to the Cross. Jesus is that great King nailed and died for our salvation. We can never acclaim Him as king, if he never did offer his life for us. Every drop of blood, every scourge on his body, he accepted for the love of his brothers and sisters, for his Father's sons and daughters, for US!
Despite the jeers of the world, one sees God's mercy to him. We see the image of Saint Dimas, the repentant thief on the Cross. While everyone, including the other thief, threw words of remorse to our Lord, Dimas shouts out, "Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal."
The thief "stole" the Kingdom on that frightful moment. While everyone stands there disgracing Jesus, one comes to Him in confidence. When no more recourse is to be found, Dimas shouts out, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." He lays his full trust to the Lord, somebody whom he has heard a little of, being a criminal in jail for so long. Yet this little acquaintance did not stop him from asking Jesus a very special request.
In the Crucified, St. Dimas saw God's glory! From the cross, and as if He wants to reach Dimas, Jesus answered his second last word, "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."
How sweet is this scenario! Despite all the odds, the repentant thief comes to Jesus asking him Life. On the brick of death, Jesus did not refused the request of the repentant thief. Now, Dimas is among the Numerous saints who sing God's praises every now and then.
We ask ourselves, when do we ask Jesus to remember us? Whenever we are in our darkest? At the point of despair? When the world does not have the solution to our problems? This may seem very much odd, but this is true. We always point out that we only pray to God when we are at our problems, and seldom when we are at the happy times.
We should have no fear of coming to Jesus. He always remembers us. Especially at times when we feel no security of riches, fame and power, we may come to Him, and ask him to remember us! I have never known of such a time when Jesus refused a request of a man in full recourse to him. He always remembers us at every place and every time. He looks after our every word and deed. He guides us continually. He loves us and listens to us. Why fear? If the repentant thief could steal the Kingdom of God, how much more can we do it?
In the Eucharist, Jesus reigns as the eternal King of all Creation. He wiped out the curse of sin from the Cross (Second Reading). At the Eucharist, he continues to offer his Body and Blood for us to be in full union with him. We continually acclaim him as King, especially at this Sacrament of love.
As the Liturgical year ends this week, we pray to Christ our King, that like St. Dimas, we may be able to snatch paradise for us to cherish at the end of our days, through our deeds and words. Like St. Dimas, we ask Jesus to always remember us, especially at the times when we are down on the trials of this world. Let Jesus Christ reign as the King and Center of all our Lives.
All throughout the Church, we celebrate the last Sunday of Ordinary Time as the Solemnity of Christ the King. We observe this day through Solemn Eucharistic Celebrations, Vigils, and Solemn Processions of the image of Christ the King, and the Blessed Sacrament.
This day is full of awe and sacredness for its religious nature. Even for just a day, we acclaim Christ as the King and Center of the whole human race. While we spend 364 days of the year committing sin and evil acts, still we allot a day to celebrate Christ as the victor King of all who are saved by His blood.
Among the 3-cycle Gospels of this solemnity, the Gospel of the Year C (that is, this year) is the one which I like the most, because of its very humble ambiance. Though it is sorrowful in form, we can still see some light through it.

Despite the jeers of the world, one sees God's mercy to him. We see the image of Saint Dimas, the repentant thief on the Cross. While everyone, including the other thief, threw words of remorse to our Lord, Dimas shouts out, "Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal."
The thief "stole" the Kingdom on that frightful moment. While everyone stands there disgracing Jesus, one comes to Him in confidence. When no more recourse is to be found, Dimas shouts out, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." He lays his full trust to the Lord, somebody whom he has heard a little of, being a criminal in jail for so long. Yet this little acquaintance did not stop him from asking Jesus a very special request.
In the Crucified, St. Dimas saw God's glory! From the cross, and as if He wants to reach Dimas, Jesus answered his second last word, "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."
How sweet is this scenario! Despite all the odds, the repentant thief comes to Jesus asking him Life. On the brick of death, Jesus did not refused the request of the repentant thief. Now, Dimas is among the Numerous saints who sing God's praises every now and then.
We ask ourselves, when do we ask Jesus to remember us? Whenever we are in our darkest? At the point of despair? When the world does not have the solution to our problems? This may seem very much odd, but this is true. We always point out that we only pray to God when we are at our problems, and seldom when we are at the happy times.
We should have no fear of coming to Jesus. He always remembers us. Especially at times when we feel no security of riches, fame and power, we may come to Him, and ask him to remember us! I have never known of such a time when Jesus refused a request of a man in full recourse to him. He always remembers us at every place and every time. He looks after our every word and deed. He guides us continually. He loves us and listens to us. Why fear? If the repentant thief could steal the Kingdom of God, how much more can we do it?
In the Eucharist, Jesus reigns as the eternal King of all Creation. He wiped out the curse of sin from the Cross (Second Reading). At the Eucharist, he continues to offer his Body and Blood for us to be in full union with him. We continually acclaim him as King, especially at this Sacrament of love.
As the Liturgical year ends this week, we pray to Christ our King, that like St. Dimas, we may be able to snatch paradise for us to cherish at the end of our days, through our deeds and words. Like St. Dimas, we ask Jesus to always remember us, especially at the times when we are down on the trials of this world. Let Jesus Christ reign as the King and Center of all our Lives.
ReplyDeletelet Christ be the king of our hearts and lives! then and there, we will see the kingdom of God. :)